Friday, October 9, 2009

Karma - Astrology - Prayaschitta

Yesterday in my house we were talking about doing Prayaschtta or pariharams (in Tamil) as advised by Astrlogers.

Now the question is what is the role of Prayaschitta in Hinduism?

Hinduism believes in the Karma theory. Your present life is determined by the Karma of the previous births. The horoscope represents a picture of your life at the time of your birth.

The Karma theory varies with the Philosophical systems. In Purva Mimansa the oldest Philosophy, our life is pre-determined by the Karmas of the previous births. There is no way you could change that. But you can to some extent alleviate that by doing good Karmas in the present birth. This is the basis of the Prayaschitta system. But this does contradict the theory that there is no escape from the effects of the past Karmas. Again Purva Mimansa does not believe in a supreme God.

In Vedanta and especially Bhakti Marga, it is believed that God decides our life. MAA can burn away your past Karmas. Even if the Karma does take effect it can be mitigated. And also she decides when and how the effect should take place.

An example:

Due to your past karma you have to lose Rs.10, 000 in this life. Repayment of past debts as it is called. By praying to MAA you can overcome the effect of this.

1. MAA could make you rich, so that a loss of Rs.10,000 is peanuts to you.

2. More important (even if you are not rich) she could give you an mental attitude where you do not feel the loss at all. This is very important. You would have seen people who brush aside such losses with absolute indifference and also people (even those who are rich) who feel dejected and crest fallen with even a small financial loss.

Trust in MAA and leave everything to her. Pray to her.


  1. interesting.
    so fate is result of your past karmas.
    and in doing Prayaschitta, you just lessen the effects of it?

  2. once it was described to me as riding down the highway on a motorcycle. Fixed karma, that cannot be changed without difficulty (read: Extreme Difficulty) is like going 120 mph and trying to miss a deer jumping out in front of you. I might conjecture (while completely open to refutation, as the case may be) that Prayachitta effectually gives you the ability to bounce-hop the deer and remain on the highway. In this simile the karma has not been avoided, and the effort you have exterted to have lifted the motorbike took the place of your passively reaping the rewards of your fixed karma. Definitely open to counter-arguments here.
